Saturday, April 2, 2022

The nonagon


The regular nonagon or 9-gon has 9 lines of equal length arranged around a middle point.

The nonagon

Figure 1:The nonagon


The number 9 has the singularity of being a square number as well as being a number divisible by 3.


the nonagon


Figure 2:The nonagon as a squared number



The regular nonagon and numbers divisible by 3

Figure 3:The regular nonagon as a number divisible by 3



The nonagon can be constructed by neusis construction using the hexagon as a base.



Neusis construction of a regular nonagon using the hexagon as a base

Figure 4:Neusis construction of a regular nonagon using the hexagon as a base


The relation between the nonagon and the square root 3:



The regular nonagon and the square root of 3

Figure 5:The regular nonagon and the square root of 3

The regular nonagon and the Archimedes trisection

Figure 6: The regular nonagon and the Archimedes trisection